Thursday, July 24, 2014

Train Up a Child

Train Up a Child…
Rica Martin

A Steward is a custodian, an agent or attendant.  We've all heard of being a good steward over our finances, but what about being a good steward over our children?  As a parent, what does this mean to you?  Is it buying them that desired outfit or pair of shoes?  Is it giving them your last dollar?  Is it giving them a hug or constantly saying 'I love you'?  Is encouragement all that you have to give?  Though these things are a part of being a good steward, the essential element in good parental stewardship is to give them, tell them, show them and prepare them for the Truth.  Why?  Because '…the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).  How do we get to the truth?  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life…(John 14:6).

Unfortunately, some of our 'truths' are based on a distorted view of reality formed from various disappointments in life; but the Word has proven itself time and time again; it doesn't change and it will never let you down.  Sure there are children who have been trained up in the right way, but have gone astray…but the Word assures you that he won't ever forget what he's taught, train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it (Pro 22:6). 

Anyone can be a Mother or Father, that's our title, but it takes work, patience, priority and understanding to be a Mom or Dad.  Parents have to know that it's more than just having a cute baby with a head full of good hair.  It's more than dressing them in the latest gear.  It's more than just someone of their own to love.  It's more than just another way to keep the one they don't want to let go of.  IT'S AN ASSIGNMENT from God!!!  It's one of the most detailed report we'll work on (besides our own) with an anticipated due date 18 years from birth.

An Assignment is a job, duty, mission or task.  We are God's (earthly) agent given a task; to prepare our children not just for success but more importantly for the Father.  Prepare the child by teaching him/her about our Savior Jesus Christ…no man cometh unto the Father, but by him (John 14:6).  Make them high on your list of priorities.  Invest quality time with them.  Include them in decision making.  Be transparent with them (without glorifying the negative).  Talk to them (until they yawn through their nose).  Deal with issues; teach them about consequences and rewards.

Let's always remember that God lends us our children and gives us terms and instructions on how to maintain and keep His creation.  Just like any other loan, some loans mature; some go into default; and some loans are paid off early (some with penalty)

We often make things harder than what they are, especially when dealing with God, so let's relate to how this works.  Consider the Promissory Note (contract); the lender loans the borrower money and by signing the Note the borrower is agreeing to the lender's terms of repayment.  In this Note there are terms and obligations on maintaining the security (house, car, etc).  The Note always has a first payment due date and a predetermined maturity date.

Every child is purposed to be here…no matter what the circumstance was surrounding their birth.  God knew us all before the foundation of the world and created each day with us in mind.  It is inevitable that the time will come to turn in your assignment. 

While you have the time, go over your work; make changes where necessary so that you'll be able to give a good report when your assignment is complete.  If you've already turned in your assignment-don't fret beloved-just remember the maturity date was predetermined by the maker …find peace in knowing that its purpose has already been accomplished.   

Monday, January 28, 2013

I've Learned!

I’ve learned so much


  • I've learned that we all have an audience. I've learned that we are assigned to a group of people who are where we were and need us to be in place as a testimony to God's mercy. I've learned that when I stopped learning - I was dying. I've learned that practice prepares you for the big game & rehearsal commits to memory. I've learned that it's not enough to go through the motions because the way you practice is the way you'll play. I've learned that people can't break up with you and then tell you who you can and cannot date. I've learned that when God loves you...nothing else matters...





Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mission Statement


Rica Martin


We've all heard of and have been encouraged to write down our goals, but what about writing a Mission Statement?  Anyone who has achieved any form of success has taken the time to write out a Mission Statement.  A Mission Statement is a summary describing the aims, values, and overall plan of an organization or individual.


Yes, you will gain a higher percentage of success by writing down exactly what you are trying to accomplish.  A Mission Statement will help to give your goals direction.  It answers the "why" when setting certain goals.  [i.e. My Mission is to provide food and shelter to the needy across America is “why” I want a million dollars].


Notice the definition is not limited to an organization or business, but also includes individuals as well.  It's not a bad idea to be business minded when planning your life and finances.  Single people can call their business ME, Inc., and how about WE, Inc. for married couples.  What will it take to make your business and finances grow?


Be firm but flexible!  Successful people/businesses realize that in order to have continued success, they must make adjustments.  They understand the importance of shifting with the times.  If you look carefully you'll notice that most of the people/companies that have stood the test of time will come out with something new and improved (shift), but will keep the foundational concept and principles that helped to build their success. 


Please don't take your mission lightly.  Take the time necessary to detail the plan for your life and finances.  Build a firm foundation strong enough to hold your goals.  If you want to play professional sports, you can't just sign up.  If you want to be a minister, you can't just skim the Bible.  If you want to build an Ark, you can't buy cheap wood and build it over night…ask Noah.  


Aim high!  Consistently evaluate your mission.  You may find that when you change, your mission may change.  Be careful not to confine yourself to a box.  Step out of the box, pop the bubble and declare your success!


"In order to have what you've never had before, you must do what you've never done before!" [author unknown]


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Modern Day Bible


Rica Martin


Take a moment of reflection.  Go as far back as you can remember.  How has your past shaped your thinking?  Is where you are now a positive or a negative result of your past?


Now think about the people in the Bible.  There are countless examples for living locked into the Old and New Testament books.  Is there a person or a story in there that mimic what you've been through or are going through right now?  How did their story end: blessing or ruin; sickness or health; salvation or damnation?


What if a new Bible was written once this life is over?  Imagine if God chose to use your life as an example in one of His books.  What would be the message to His new creation?  Would it be a message of hope?  Perhaps it would be a message of obedience or disobedience?  Would you mirror a hero or a coward?  Maybe you were only part of the crowd and your individual story isn't worth mentioning?


In other words, how has your life affected others?  What's your legacy?  Have you been a negative or a positive influence to the people you've encountered over the years?  Are you a modern day Adam, who was placed in perfection, but lost it all because you chose not to be accountable for what was under your control?  [Genesis 3:12]  Are you today's Sarah, who feels like you have to help God accomplish His promise to you?  [Genesis 21:16:2]  Are you one of the 22,000 that was afraid to go to battle with Gideon against the Midianites; or one of the 300 that stayed? [Judges 7:3-7]  Maybe you are an over-comer like Joseph or after God's own heart like David.  Are you the Judas-type whose mission is to get people to their cross?


Now take a moment of reflection again.  From as far back as you can remember, to as far ahead as you can see…what story will your life tell?  Whose life will yours touch?


If you see that you are not living a life that is pleasing to God, it's not too late…START TODAY!  Remember Paul?  Initially he tortured Christians, but was converted and went on to write over half of the New Testament!


You are the 67th book of the Bible right now, because you may be the only Bible that some people will ever read.  Be careful not to be a stumbling block to those who are reading you.  Understand that your life is not your own.  Strive to be an example of excellence!  Determine to be a message of integrity!  Let your life tell a good story that will encourage, enlighten, educate and edify all those who read it.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Adam & Eve...Husband & Wife

Adam & Eve…Husband & Wife

Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 gives us a clear picture of how life (as we know it) began.  We are all familiar with the story (Chapter 1): God made everything within 6 days and rested on the 7th.  Then Chapter 2 goes into detail on how God made man from the dust of the earth in (Gen 2:7) and gave him (Adam) charge/authority/dominion over everything on earth created before him.  When God saw that it wasn't good for man to be alone He pulled woman (Eve) from his side, to help Adam dress & keep the land.  They were to enjoy life on earth together.  The last two verses of Chapter 2 (24 & 25) tells man to leave his mother & father and cleave unto his wife becoming one [flesh] and that man and wife were naked and not ashamed.

This is more than just a story nor is it merely just an 'excellent read'.  This is Life as Man and Wife as God has intended.  The fall is no excuse to start living by our own rules just because we've experienced disappointments in life and/or marriage.  God gave Adam charge/authority/dominion over everything and God brought Eve (the best of him) out of Adam to help.

Up until a few generations ago, it was custom for men and women to apply the Adam & Eve (Biblical) Principals to their lives/marriages no matter what and was deemed disrespectful not to.  In today's society we are most often taught and/or sold on the concept that it is acceptable to reverse the roles of Adam and Eve.  In order to begin to have a healthy marriage, we must get back to the basics…

Men -women need to feel a sense of security from her husband; remember everything was already taken care of before she existed.  She (your wife) needs to know that you will handle the things that you are given charge over.  This [charge] may vary from household to household, so it is important that you find out what makes your wife feel secure in your relationship (you won't regret it).  Remember she is a part of you; you named her (vs. 23) and you need her to help meet your needs.

Women -'All You Women Whose Independent' throwing your hands up at Beyonce/Destiny's Child -be careful…they may not be talking to you.  Men need to feel respected as the High Priest and final [earthly] authority; remember that was his first charge in life.  We can not continue to carry his torch (whether we picked it up or he gave it to us), give it back.  Be 'independent' when you are doing it by yourself; but be humble and submissive and aggressive and authoritative in the areas that your husband needs you to be (stay off his toes--it hurts).  Remember we were created to help meet his needs.

Final thought:  When the Bible says for man to leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife…it meant to leave the folks that you are closest to and become closest to your spouse.  In those times, your mom and dad where normally who you were closest to; today this includes biological children, step children, aunts, uncles, cousins, best friends, etc.   No one but God comes before your spouse.  God is not pleased with us when we put others before our spouse (no matter how we justify it).  How much time have you lost and how much do you have left when the kids leave and your friends and family move away.  Why spend what's left of your marriage playing catch up; peanut butter goes down better when its spread evenly…such is life/marriage.  Be naked (open/exposed) with your spouse throughout your marriage and at the end of your journey together you will not be ashamed.


Friday, September 21, 2012


            by Rica Martin


You ever notice that things generally get worse before they get better?  Why is that you ask?  It's simple…because there's a struggle going on.


Struggle: to contend with an adversary or opposing force; a task or goal requiring much effort to accomplish or achieve.


Often the mere thought of change -or- something new creates tension on what is considered the norm in our life.  The normal begins to resist the new.  The normal is comfortable the way it is!  It doesn't want anything new to come in changing things.  This is true, especially if the new thing isn't going to give the normal thing the freedom to conduct business as usual.


Ever noticed that it's only a struggle when the change is for our good?  Picking up a "bad habit" never seems to be a problem.  As a matter of fact, bad habits seem to flow right in with no opposition.  It doesn't take long to develop.  It often goes unnoticed until there is a need for change.


This is because GOOD OVER-POWERS BAD!  Bad has a way of finding an empty place and slips in quietly; while Good, on the other hand, is invited in and overtakes a place!


When you strive to change for the better, the good habits will replace the bad habits that have secretly set up shop in your heart and mind.  Those bad habits aren't going to just give up without a fight…  The struggle begins. 


Think of the butterfly.  Before it becomes a beautiful piece of art, it is a caterpillar.  It goes into its cocoon and struggles with change.  In time, it breaks the shell.  This good thing emerges and successfully flies off into areas that it never could've gone while it was only a worm.


It will take effort to accomplish or achieve change.  You will have to contend with the adversary, because anything worth having is worth fighting for! 


Expect the struggle…Enjoy the success!!